Halloween Events Lafayette 2021

Fun Halloween Events 202112th Annual Trail Of Scarecrows10/1 - 11/7 at Prophetstown State Park 7:00 AM to 10:00 PMCome to Prophetstown State Park to see…

Pumpkin Patches Near Lafayette

Some of the traditional Halloween events may be cancelled this year, but you can still go to the pumpkin patch! Here is a list of…

Estate Sales

It’s inevitable. Everyone at some point will need help selling a home that is wrapped up in an estate. Let the Aimee Ness Realty Group…

Bankruptcy & Real Estate

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, sometimes filing for bankruptcy is the solution that may best fit your situation. Before you feel like all hope…

Memorial Day Events Lafayette 2021

Hey Lafayette! Memorial Day weekend is us! Here are a few local events to enjoy. Get out there and have some fun!Carnahan Hall Presents: Clave…

Feast Of The Hunter’s Moon 2021

Come join the 18th Century reenactment that takes place at Fort Ouiatenon in West Lafayette. When is the Feast of the Hunter’s Moon 2021? The Feast…

Things to Do In Lafayette This Weekend

Let’s face it Lafayette, this weather is not going to last forever. Soon we will be trudging through snow and ice. Get out there and…

Things To Do Labor Day Weekend Lafayette 2021

09/02/2021Purdue Farmers Market - 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Memorial MallShop fresh garden flowers, baked goods, vegetables, fruits, plus honey, jams and jellies. A…

4th Of July Fireworks and Events Lafayette 2021

Check out the list of fireworks and festivals happening in 2022! We are headed into fireworks season again, so I thought I’d put together a…

Guide To Storm Shelters For Lafayette, IN

As we head into Spring and Summer we must start preparing for the stormy weather ahead. We can do our best to protect our homes,…